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網絡簡歷編號1022784 | 更新時間:2007/11/25 14:57:00 | 已被查看1749次 | 意向工作方式:<專職> | 人員類型: 普通人員 | 職稱: 目前未取得
應聘意向: 公關/廣告/裝飾/房產/行政/人事/總務/后勤/賓館/旅游/餐飲/娛樂/市場/企業策劃 / 戶口所在地:四川眉山
姓名: 程超 性別:
出生年月: 1983年7月20日 政治面貌: 黨員
民族: 漢族 婚姻狀況: 未婚
身高: 165厘米 視力: 輕度近視
目前工作地: 四川省眉山市 戶口所在地: 四川眉山
人事檔案所在地: 現月收入: 1500元人民幣/月
2、如您需下載簡歷及查看聯系方式,請持營業執照原件、身份證原件到人才市場登記并開通網絡招聘手續,咨詢電話:028-38221772、338193281 [查看詳細聯系方式]
應聘意向: 公關/廣告/裝飾/房產/行政/人事/總務/后勤/賓館/旅游/餐飲/娛樂/市場/企業策劃
月薪要求: 1500
自我評述: Resume Dear Sir/Madam: Let this job-hunting letter take my best wishes to you at first. I am a student of the Chongqing petroleum college (CQPC) Upgrade to Chongqing Institute of Technology (CQIT). The main research direction is travel management and hotel management. But I am inclined to the Marketing Management, HRM and Business Administration Directions even more. During the university, the contradiction during my very fine settlement worker, studying and social work. On one hand, has participated in a lot of social work activities, successively in Haier industry and trade Co., Ltd. Of Chongqing, such units as Hilton hotel of Chongqing, etc. The trust led the employing unit and unanimous favorable comment, some work retains the office so far; On the other hand, I have deep love for the specialty that I study, I do not relax at all in study, the lance before the total achievement has ranked at end for three years in succession. Through my extensive social work and working hard, I find my greatest advantage is that the social work is experienced, adaptive capacity is strong, can bear hardships and stand hard work, there is team spirit, the tempering of university life, temper one’s own people skills and teach oneself ability, gradual cultivating the ability to analyses independently and solve for the question, has formed the realistic mode of thinking that opens up too. In practice, I have tempered out the toughness individual character of struggling hard, not afraid of bearing hardships. I am ordinary, but unwilling to be mediocre definitely. Do not expect that there is an abundant material treatment, will only hope with all my intelligence, hearty and make great efforts, realize my social value and value in life as soon as possible. As a member who will get into the society among the great number of disciples of the journey soon, I have one’s heart filled with enthusiasm with pursuing, looking forward to an opportunity and succeeding, my creed is: There are only ways to cover in the world, the way not opened up, there is not a bridge that can not be erected even more! One cooperative chance, one good beginning to me, I is it put in realize in the work that staff make joint efforts with your unit personal value to like. I am looking forward to your good news. Believe your eyes, believe your choice! If have an opportunity to speak face to face with you, I will thank you very much!                                     Job hunter: Cheng Chao                                     English name: Mandy Cheng
學歷: 大學本科 學歷類型為(普通高校) 畢業時間: 2006年6月26日
畢業學校: 重慶理工大學 所學專業: 工商管理類旅游酒店方向
受教育經歷: 2002-09-01至2003-09-01  重慶石油高專(現重慶科技學院) 大專2003-09-01至2006-07-01  重慶工學院(現重慶理工大學)   本科
工作年限: 2年
具體工作經歷: 1、2005-11至2006-7就職于盾安重慶房地產開發有限公司(中國盾安控股集團子公司)企業管理部行政助理崗位工作,協助領導完成部分公司指標體系建設、企業文化建設及各項行政企劃工作,獨立完成公司行政后勤類各項工作。2、2006-7至2007-3就職于重慶興茂房地產開發集團有限公司(重慶市房地產開發企業50強)擔任董事長行政助理兼集團營銷管理中心主任,主要協助董事長日常行政管理工作及集團各大樓盤營銷管理和廣告管理工作。
計算機能力: 良好 駕駛技術:
普通話水平: 標準 外語水平: 大學英語4級
個人特長: 最大優點是:積極熱情,責任心強,適應能力強,能吃苦耐勞,有團隊精神。有較強的組織管理能力和人際交往能力,以及獨立分析和解決問題的能力.
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