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        免費求職登記 | 企業招聘注冊 | 招聘會 區縣招聘: 仁壽 | 彭山 | 洪雅 | 丹棱 | 青神

        會員單位 3065
        總 招 聘 33827
        有效招聘 158

        總人才庫 192193
        本月新增 93
        本周新增 28
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          企業報名參會>> | 展位分布 | 報名情況 | 參會地點 | 入場須知  
         當前位置:信息>> 英文簡歷:資深市場營銷管理人員
        2007年9月4日,已點擊:37510次  來源:   [打印本頁] [收藏本頁] [關閉窗口]

        Personal Information                                                  

        Nameeric zou   

        Gender: MALE

        Date of Birth: 1971-6-20           

        Residency: SHANGHAI

        Work Experience: >10 years        

        Address: GuDai Road   

        Zip Code: 201102

        Mobile: 139*********     

        Home Tel: 086-021-********


        Current Salary: **********RMB /Year

        Career Objective  

        I have 10 years work experience in sales and at least 8 years experience in a managerial position in a fast-paced growth environment. I deeply understand the Chinese market and realities. I have full of experience in marketingsalesdistributor manager, and have strong leadership capabilities, able to manage a large sales team. I have strong work responsibility and can travel frequently.

        Work Experience  

        2005/03--PresentHengTai Consumables Group Shanghai HengLian trade co.,ltd

        Position: Sales center   Sales Manager of Center

        Responsibility of

        1. Constitute the sales strategic and sales plan follow the company’s strategic and policy, and achieve target sales goals.

        2. Management the 28 distributors in the national, participate in the important sales project, exploit the important customer relationship and industry cooperation.

        3. Constitute the sales management system and flow system, exploit the sales market, increase the market rate.

        4. Manage sales team, distribute the sales task, enhance the capacity of mid-managers and the whole team.

        5. Manage the sales budget and distribute the sales resource rationally.

        Outstanding achievement

        The total sale of this company is 6.8 million in 2004, and increased to 16.8million in total 2005 after I join this company.

        2003/06--2004/12Shanghai Brightdairy                               

        Position: Regional Sales Manager 

        Responsibility of

        1. Constitute the sales strategic and sales plan follow the company’s strategic and achieve target sales goals.

        2. Operation and management the whole WuXi filiale:
        Accomplish the sales task and manage the distributors;
        Constitute sales promotion plan and supervise performance
        Team recruitTraining and evaluating
        Management the HRadminaccountsaleslogisticstorage Dept and so on.

        Outstanding achievement

        1. Over 6million sales per month and 100million per year during my hold a post.

        2. The sales in the first quarter increased 44% after I join the company, and I gained the especially premium twice by CEO.

        1995/12--2000/07Shanghai Goodfoods Company   

        Position: Sales Supervisor 

        Responsibility of

        1. Manage the sales of “LONGFENG” freeze foods in 4 regionals: hongkouuangpuzhabeiyangpu.

        2. Manage the most important 9 distributors.

        3. Constitute sales promotion plan  and supervise performance.

        4. Manage the sales team of 10 sales people

        Outstanding achievementthe monthly sale over 3 million during my hold a post


        1992/06--1994/05Shanghai normal university  Business Administration Associate



        Language Skills  

        Fluent both in oral and written English, Chinese Native speaker, Shanghai Dialect


        · 市場主管英文簡歷 2007年9月4日
        · 英文簡歷:資深市場營銷管理人員 2007年9月4日
        · 英文簡歷--供應鏈咨詢員 2007年9月4日
        · 高級銷售 2007年9月4日
        · 人力資源助理 2007年9月4日
        · 行政秘書 2007年9月4日
        · 有工作經驗者英文簡歷 2007年9月4日
        · 行政助理 2007年9月4日
        · 英文簡歷--供應鏈咨詢員 2007年9月4日
        · 英文簡歷:資深市場營銷管理人員 2007年9月4日
        最新公告 招考 資訊
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        眉山市彭山區人民法院公開招聘聘用人員公告  (7-17)
        四川大學華西第二醫院眉山市婦女兒童醫院眉山市婦幼保健院關于眉山市第一托育園擬聘保育老師的公示  (7-8)
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        2、就業意向調查(僅限求職者填寫) 參與
        3、企業人才需求情況調查(僅限企業... 參與
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